Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery: A Narrative for Creating Ecological Harmony in Daily Life

In the tradition of such novels as Ecotopia, Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery is a resource for those who want to create their own honored and sacred place in harmony with nature.

An ecostery is a place devoted to living with ecological wisdom (ecosophy). The environmental crisis challenges us to transform ourselves and relationships to live nonviolently with each other and other beings. The ecostery movement is a growing network of individuals, families, groups and communities who are acting positively on a daily basis to create more humane, just, honorable and ecologically harmonious lives and relationships. Ecosteries are as diverse as individuals, cultures and ecological places. 

Ecology is the study of living interrelationships and philosophy is the loving pursuit of wisdom. Combined in ecophilosophy the aim is to create our own ecologically wise life style based on nature-grounded values and practices.

This book is for those who want to construct and maintain their own urban, suburban or rural ecostery as a place in which to put down roots and become indigenous dwellers of the land, natives to their place.

Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery conveys the ecostery vision complete with references and organizational suggestions.

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The ecostery and land trust are two examples of social organizations worth investments of time, energy and contributions. Both… empower participants in their daily lives… The ecostery concept derives its origin from monastic forms of land based communities… Monastic form has possibilities for decentralized, more or less self-sustaining communities, committed to work on bioregional restoration over long periods of time, without demand for profits or centralized power. Alan Drengson, an Emeritus Professor at the University of Victoria, has suggested the term ecostery be used to refer to such a form of community… The word ecostery was formed by combining elements from monastery and ecology… Drengson sees the ecostery movement as an important part of the deep, long-range ecology movement because it emphasizes lifestyle and practice, while other parts of the movement emphasize political change and changes in social policy.

Bill Devall, in Living Richly in an Age of Limits, Gibb Smith, Salt Lake City, 1993

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