The Adventures of Flelix: A Fable for the New Millennium
Flelix is a fable primarily for adults told from two points of view: on one hand, Flelix and his two companions pondering the mysteries of their dog planet; and on the other, a family of humans trying to resolve the flea problem on their dog and in their house. Read more
Aikido: Its Philosophy and Application
“Aikido: Its Philosophy and Application” is an article by Alan Drengson published as the first chapter in the book Aikido, Vol 1: O’Sensei’s Sublime Synthesis. Read an excerpt
Arne Naess’ Ecosophy: Luca Valera Interviews Alan Drengson
Luca Valera speaks with Alan Drengson about the development of Arne Naess’ philosophy, Ecosophy. Read more
Definitions and Examples of Technology Practice
Chapter 2 from Practice of Technology by Alan Drengson (New York: SUNY Press, hardcover 1995; paper back 1996). PDF
Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery: A Narrative for Creating Ecological Harmony in Daily Life
In the tradition of such novels as Ecotopia, Doc Forest and Blue Mountain Ecostery is a resource for those who want to create their own honored and sacred place in harmony with nature. Read more
Four Philosophies of Technology, 1982
This essay first appeared in Philosophy Today, Summer 1982 (103-17). It describes the four main philosophies of technology in our culture; engages in a process of creative inquiry; and outlines the interconnection between conception, action, and social process. Read more
Sacred Journey
Selected poetry from Alan Drengson’s Sacred Journey volumes I, II and III. Read more
Stained Glass: An Experience in Light
Alan Drengson speaks of his fascination with light and color, his evolution into a stained glass artist and briefly covers the history of stained glass art. Read more